Hip Hops best hidden secret. The most anticipated album release of 2011 still yet to be released around may-june time.
The fact that drug refrences are all over the album may mean that its targeted at a certain audience or not for kids. Its a dark shady image of him aswell witch might mean hes ready to leave the game this is his send of album he wants everyone to detox.
This is an unofficial cover because it hasent been released yet. The font chosen is green and looks like a cloudy effect; again another suggestion of drugs and the hip hop gangster lifestyle. This is the the 3rd Detox album about to be released and as is the 3rd that could mean this is what he wants to finish his career with to send him out on a high with fans adoring and buying his range of dr dre beats and beat laptop, in a situation where its the 3rd time it usaully is the last one.